Category: Ultrasound scan clinics

Business profile: The Scan Clinic specialise in private ultrasound scans and multi-system health checks, to provide reassurance, diagnosis and specialist advice when you need it most.

Same day flexible appointments, instant verbal results with diagnostic reports issued within 24 hours by our experts and free car parking are just some of the key points why clients choose The Scan Clinic over others.

Our expert healthcare professionals have years of experience in medical ultrasound imaging and by using the latest high end diagnostic ultrasound scan equipment are capable of producing detailed imaging analysis of the human body in 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound.

Our clinics are designed to deliver great healthcare in a comfortable, clean and relaxing environment. Our informative approach is unique and has been well received by all our clients, many of whom choose again and recommend us to friends and family.

The Scan Clinic

Address: 635A Cranbrook Road, Ilford, London IG2 6SX

Phone number: 0843 886 4545
Price Range: ££